Backdoors IT is a registered brand of BACKDOOR SECURITY s.r.o, a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Slovakia (Slovak Republic, Europe). For more information about our company and services, please contact us via email, web form or schedule meeting via our interactive booking system. Thank you.

Company name: BACKDOOR SECURITY s.r.o. ( ltd.)
Street:  Odborárske nám. 3
City: Bratislava
Postal number: 811 07
State: Slovakia
Region: Europe (GMT+1)
Business Identification Number: (IČO)  47989602
VAT: (IČ DPH) SK2024168080
Bank Account: IBAN: SK30 1100 0000 0029 4246 2857 (Tatra)
​Slovak legal description:  Spoločnosť zapísaná v OR SR BA 1 odd. Sro vložka č.: 101678/B
English legal description:  Company registered in the Commercial Register of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava 1, Section: Ltd., Insert No.: 101678/B

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Ondemand personal meetings according agreement